Aging in Place with HearthHome in your corner

Bringing Maintenance-Free Living to your HOME

Your house, Your HOME. Why move?

Your house, Your ASSET. Why sell?

  • HOME is comfortable

  • HOME is familiar

  • HOME is in you community

  • Your house gains value

  • Nursing Homes and Assisted Living facilities extract cash

Maintenance-Free Living

HearthHome coordinates all of the services needed to maintain your home in FIVE steps!

Step One

Meet with a HearthHome Consultant. We come to your home!

Step Two

During the consultation, the HearthHome Consultant works with the homeowner to understand the maintenance status of the home and determine the homeowner’s current physical capabilities to self-perform maintenance

Step Three

Review the recommended service package based on the needs of the home, the capabilities to self-perform, and preferences to have others do certain work.

Step Four

The HearthHome Consultant will provide a flat rate monthly cost plus the membership fee to initiate services through a service contract.

Step Five

Once the service agreement is finalized and the membership fee is paid, the Consultant provides a schedule detailing when each service provider will be on-site

Ready for Next

Housing Matters, an Urban Land Institute Initiative defines Aging in Place as meaning “never move,” “stay put as long as possible,” and “stay in the same vicinity”—putting the emphasis on place and where a person wants to live.

It can also mean: “stay out of nursing homes” and “not move between aged care facilities”—focus on the services and care people need.

And finally to: “have choices” and “live out a multifaceted policy ideal”—emphasize individual choice and autonomy.

HearthHome is here to care for the PLACE in Aging in Place. Ensuring the Home is maintained so homeowners are enabled to stay put as long as possible in the house they have made into a Home.

HearthHome advocates stay with our clients as their needs change, identifying opportunities to modify the home so our clients can stay out of nursing homes longer and maintain individual choice and autonomy.

Home Modifications

Accessibility and Technology

  • Multiple levels of modification. Go FAST or Go Steady.

  • Bathroom|Kitchen|Bedroom

  • Stair Lifts

  • Elevator Lifts

  • Ramps and Railings

  • Home Monitoring

  • Well-Being Monitoring

  • Voice controlled systems

  • Ai Enabled assistants

Step One

The HearthHome Consultant will schedule a session with the Homeowner and a partnered Occupational Therapist to understand changes in physical ability and what home modifications are needed.

Step Two

During the consultation, your consultant will develop packaged options of modifications. These packages are developed in coordination with the Occupational Therapist.

Step Three

Estimated costs are reviewed with the Home Owner, and if possible their caregiver or personal advocate. Grant, tax credit and low-interest financing options are reviewed at this time.

Step Four

Your HearthHome Consultant will manage all services needed to modify your home! The Consultant will act as YOUR agent to ensure all services are completed as agreed to.

Step Five

Once the HearthHome Consultant and the Home Owner agree that the work is complete, HearthHome ensures all service providers are paid.

Jeremiah Hover brings 25 years of experience in Corporate Real Estate and Facilities Management to the Home. His experience has uniquely prepared him to introduce HearthHome Services.

His desire is to give homeowners who wish to age gracefully in their own homes the opportunity to do so. He also wants to support senior family caregivers who struggle to manage every aspect to keep the home environment safe and well maintained for their senior loved one.
